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Headache and Last Words - Nephilm Quest 2 first draft DONE (25th September 2016)

by Leena

Rolli the Somali cat writing with me

Rolli the Somali cat writing with me

I woke up this morning to a splitting headache. No wonder, having had a flu for a week. I'm not eager to take any unnecessary medicine, but this time I had to take a painkiller. I decided to stay at home and do nothing, in the hopes the headache would go away.

Maybe I would just have a peek at what I had written the last time I sat by the computer... No harm done there as long as my pulse would not rise.. Moving very slowly I sat down by the computer. Ha! Success, the headache did not get any worse. I rubbed my neck - my muscles were all stiff. I had a bad feeling I had brought the headache upon myself. Yesterday was a windy day and I had been by the sea without covering my head. You just don't want to believe autumn is here when the sun shines... But I was frozen the whole evening, so most likely the cold wind had caused this.

Oh well. I opened Nephilim Quest 2 to eye through the last patch I had written. I like to do that, to catch the sense of the story again. No major editing, but I tweak a little something here and there and usually find myself continuing the story with no sense of time. And so, again, before I knew it I had started writing. Page after page... After a while I realised that I was actually writing what I had planned to be the the finishing events of the book. And then I could not stop writing anymore. Could I finish it today?

I did. I wrote 7974 words in six hours and the first draft of Nephilm Quest 2 is now done. After I wrote the last words, I checked the word count. Over 151.000 words before editing starts. Which is the agh-part to many authors. But I like it. I like to work the story to be as good as it can be, first on my own, and then with the help of an editor.

So here we go...! I'll start editing the story next (cats permitting).

Comments for Headache and Last Words - Nephilm Quest 2 first draft DONE (25th September 2016)

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Jan 03, 2017
Waiting for next part
by: Anonymous

Hi leena.i loved reading ur book nephiliam quest.i love egyptology.waiting for ur 2nd part.when its gonna be published?.



I have printed it out and am going through the mistakes with the famous red pen LOL :D Half way through. The cover is being made as we speak. Then I will send the book to my reader team (the list where you can sign up to on this website so you can get my new self-published books for free before they are officially published, in return for a review.). From that date it is about 3-4 weeks when it comes out officially. But I will certainly let people know when the date is here on my blog as well.

This time the story happens almost completely in ancient Egypt. Merit is one of the main characters, and the First Vampire is not playing by the book...

Dec 06, 2016
Can't wait for the 2nd book!
by: Janet

Hi Leena, I've just finished book 1 & thoroughly enjoyed it! Hope you can get book 2 published by the end of the year as I can't wait to see what happens next. Did think of getting book 1 some 6 months ago but was in the middle of another series, forgot about it & only remembered when I saw it on Wattpad. Bought the ebook from Amazon to finish the story as I got so involved in it that I couldn't put it down. Was so glad it was a 'proper' length book, unlike some series I've read recently. Keep up the good work & keep writing ..... please


Hi, Janet!

I'm very much in the finishing stages of the second part of Nephilim Quest. I had great plans where the plot should go but it happened again. Some characters simply refused to behave and took the story to an unexpected route. LOL :D

Oh well, I am now doing the editing with my excellent editor Miriam Bibby, and she has already pointed out this is not a lecture about ancient Egypt but a novel. So rewriting, rewriting... Slowly the story is gaining her acceptance.

Next I need to print the book out on paper - somehow reading the edits on paper makes me see the mistakes a lot better.

I hope you noticed the sign-up form on this website - if you leave your email address there, you will get my self-published novels for free a month before they are published. Which means the second part of Nephilim Quest as well. I only ask for a review in return. (And of course an email my way if anyone finds any typos etc in the story. It is amazing how they can hide in plain sight...)

Oct 08, 2016
Where to Go
by: Leena

Hi, Janee!

Thank you for the kind words :) As you see the website is still pretty new, and I was surprised to notice someone had already found me here LOL

I am now working with my excellent editor Miriam Bibby to make the second book of NQ ready. I try to have it published around the end of the year. You will get the second book for free before it comes out as you signed up to my list.

Officially the campaign to get Nephilim Quest 1 for free was a year ago, but never mind. Because you signed up to my emai list, I will send you a link to Bookfunnel where you can download the book to your e-reader of choice. If you'd be kind to leave a review on Amazon, I'd be so happy. Trying to get my book known to the world as a newbie author is a lot of work and every review helps. (Just remember to tell that you got a free copy for review purposes, Amazon is quite particular about that...)

So check your email, I'll put Nephilim Quest 1 Shadowhunter in the headline, and send it from my personal email.

Oct 08, 2016
Nephilim Book 1
by: JaneeCrow

Was reading the first book on Wattpad and just had to sign up to be able to read the rest for free, as it said. Although I am more than willing to purchase your amazing works, I'm also finding trouble finding out what to do, and where to go from here in order to be able to go and finish the first book, so I can move on to the second in the series! Oh please, would you be able to help me in this quest of my own, as nearly ALL of its storyline resonates with me irl completely? I thank you so very much in advance, Leena. I must admit, I am truthfully addicted to your amazing work here! I also, hope to see and be able to read more of your work, when you decide to create more. Again many heartfelt thanks. -J

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