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Latest posts by Leena Maria

Sep 09, 2024

Leena's Writers Blog

writers life Leena Maria

Leena's writers blog - how to write books and juggle life

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Jun 08, 2023

If I ever stopped writing, what would I replace it with?

writers life Leena Maria

Life without writing??

Continue reading "If I ever stopped writing, what would I replace it with?"

Mar 12, 2023

Writer Envy

Here's a line that I wish I'd written: I hate the moon—I am afraid of it—for when it shines on certain scenes familiar and loved it sometimes makes them

Continue reading "Writer Envy"

Mar 01, 2023

What is my favourite line in a novel

writers life Leena Maria

What is my favourite line in a novel

Continue reading "What is my favourite line in a novel"

Feb 02, 2023

My book covers - where do they come from?

writers life Leena Maria

How are my book covers made?

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Jan 25, 2023


For a writer, that is the perfect word. May your imagination run crazy.

Continue reading "Imagination!"

Jan 04, 2023

What could be the word for this year?

writers life Leena Maria

If I had a word for this new year, what would it be?

Continue reading "What could be the word for this year?"

Dec 08, 2022

Do I meet my writing goals at Christmastime

writers life Leena Maria

Do I meet my writing goals at Christmastime? Heck no!

Continue reading "Do I meet my writing goals at Christmastime"

Nov 03, 2022

Did I ever participate in NaNoWriMo?

writers life Leena Maria

What was the result of writing a book during NaNoWriMo

Continue reading "Did I ever participate in NaNoWriMo?"

Oct 06, 2022

What is my favourite thing in fantasy genre of books

writers life Leena Maria

I write fantasy - what is my favourite thing about the genre?

Continue reading "What is my favourite thing in fantasy genre of books"

Sep 07, 2022

What is the worst genre for me to write in

writers life Leena Maria

What is the worst genre for me to write in - and why

Continue reading "What is the worst genre for me to write in"

Aug 08, 2022

Do I write original stories or write to market

writers life Leena Maria

Do I write original stories or write to market?

Continue reading "Do I write original stories or write to market"

Jul 08, 2022

The Blue Bar

In my own upcoming novel, The Blue Bar. I would like to know how the story unfolds through the eyes of my characters :D

Continue reading "The Blue Bar"

Jul 06, 2022

Which book world would I choose to live in?

writers life Leena Maria

If I could live in any book world, which one would I choose?

Continue reading "Which book world would I choose to live in?"

Jun 01, 2022

What keeps me finishing my stories

writers life Leena Maria

What keeps me finishing my stories when the going gets tough writing-wise

Continue reading "What keeps me finishing my stories"

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You can read the past posts there, and check if you are interested in listening to the audio chapters of my published books, or follow my stories as I write them.

Upon subscribing you will get the Prequel to Nephilim Quest: Angel.

Over two hundred years before Nephilim Quest 1 / Shadowhunter the roots of the story are planted.

A little girl missing her mother, in the palace of the mightiest of the dark Nephilim, hoping for an escape ...  

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