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daily happiness journal #2

april 15th 2020

About me and the Daily Happiness Journal

I have been writing even before I could write. Sort of. My first story was a horse cartoon I drew after meeting a police horse. I was three years old at the time and not knowing the alphabet yet used pictures to tell my stories.

Today I have published several books and you can find my website at

The people around me in my childhood were mostly "realists" which meant they were always prepared for the worst, Most of the time. Warning about trying anything new, how money doesn't grow on trees, how life is not supposed to be fun. You were not supposed to enjoy your work. "Work is work, and you have to do it to get a salary. No one is interested in whether you like it or not," as my father put it.

But of course there were exceptions too. My mother's favourite saying was that every cloud has a silver lining. And she encouraged me to write and to study. Still, I noticed I leaned the negative self talk. I remember the day when I was in my twenties and sat on a bus on my way to town. I was relaxed, and wasn't thinking anything purposefully. But someone I noticed my thoughts as if I had been an outsider. And I was shocked at what I heard.

What was that cranky little voice that announced to me that even though the sun was shining, rain was surely on its way? Or that no point in writing that story, no one would be interested in it anyway.

That was the moment I decided to change my way of thinking. I began to choose positive thoughts, and read about  the subject. It wasn't easy. The negativity popped up all the time and I was angry at myself when I could not be positive all time. Well, now of course I know no one is positive all time, but I'm sure you know the way young people are so black and white. Later I learned it is enough to be 51% positive and positivity wins. After all - we are human. And we should not deny our feelings. If I am angry, it's ok. If I feel depressed sometimes, it is ok. These emotions teach me important things about myself. And I can trust I will feel better in the future. 

I have been thinking about creating a daily positive page for a very long time and now, with the whole word on lockdown I found the time.(And I do admit I have selfish reasons to start the daily email and this blog. When I write about positive things, I concentrate on the good stuff and that makes me feel better.  So here goes. Let us see if anyone is interested in my posts.

Click on the Leenasbooks Newsletter headline above  to go to the newsletter blog's first page on Substack to see what it is about.

You can read the past posts there, and check if you are interested in listening to the audio chapters of my published books, or follow my stories as I write them.

Upon subscribing you will get the Prequel to Nephilim Quest: Angel.

Over two hundred years before Nephilim Quest 1 / Shadowhunter the roots of the story are planted.

A little girl missing her mother, in the palace of the mightiest of the dark Nephilim, hoping for an escape ...  

This book is not for sale anywhere - only readers who have subscribed to my mailing list will get it.

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